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About Hili Ventures

The company steers the group and its subsidiaries on the path of sustainable growth to drive shared value for all its stakeholders. Hili Ventures distinguishes itself by consistently investing in its operations and proudly serves as a partner, supplier, and employer of choice.

Tāpat kā plkst.

our story

While the group’s legacy dates back a hundred years, Hili Ventures was created in 2013 as a group of companies primarily focused on food service, retail and property management.

Since then, Hili Ventures has grown organically and by acquisition. Our culture and our business ethic are rooted in our values and the group is now engaged in food service, retail, real estate, hospitality, shipping, engineering, and technology, and is a proud partner of Apple, Konecranes, McDonald’s Microsoft, NCR, Six Senses, and many other global brands.

Hili Ventures oversees operations in Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Morocco, the United Kingdom, Poland, and Romania. Through its 12,000 strong team, Hili Ventures partners with world-leading brands investing in the operation, people and communities and working to safeguard brand integrity, every step of the way.

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Carmelo Caruana starts trading in grain and other goods, before expanding into shipping.


A joint venture with Motherwell Bridge Group of Scotland, the group ventures into steel fabrication and engineering services in Malta.


Hili Company is set up as the group’s investment arm. First Food Franchises acquires the McDonald’s developmental licence for Malta, which is now operated under Premier Restaurants Malta.


Premier Capital is set up and acquires 75% of First Food Franchises.


Premier Capital acquires the McDonald’s developmental licence for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.


Premier Capital acquires the McDonald’s developmental licence for Greece.


The group ventures into the technology industry, acquiring Philip Toledo Ltd in Malta, which is now known as PTL.


Hili Ventures is established as a holding company, while Mariner continues the ports business separately.


PTL acquires SAD (now known as iSpot) in Poland.


Premier Capital acquires the McDonald’s developmental licence for Romania.


1923 Investments is set up as the new investments arm of the business. It currently holds Harvest Technology and iSpot.


Hili Finance Company is established as a special purpose vehicle, raising funds to support and finance the subsidiaries of Hili Ventures.


HV Hospitality is set up as an investor in distinct properties and locations around Europe and announces its first project in Comino, Malta.


Breakwater Investments (previously HV Marine) is established as the new shipping & logistics, engineering and oil & gas arm of the group.

company structure

Hili Ventures
Premier Capital plc

Premier Restaurants Eesti OU

Premier Restaurants Hellas SA

Premier Restaurants Malta

Premier Restaurants Romania srl

SIA Premier Restaurants

UAB Premier Restaurants

1923 Investments plc

Harvest Technology plc

iCentre Hungary

iSpot Poland Sp. z o.o.

Breakwater Investments Ltd

ALLcom Sp. z o.o

Carmelo Caruana Company Ltd

Cobalt Leasing Ltd

Motherwell Bridge Industries Ltd

STS Marine Solutions (UK) Ltd

Techniplus SA

Hili Properties plc
HV Hospitality Ltd
Hili Finance Company plc
Marsamxett Properties Ltd | Battery Street Ltd | TBP Properties Single Member SA

Mūsu vērtības

We are honest. We are good communicators. We encourage, give and follow feedback. We do the right thing. We admit and learn from our mistakes. We are reliable.


We are compassionate and mindful. We listen to our people, customers, and our community. We are resilient. We lead by example. We give our people tools to make an impact. We care for our planet.

Impact for Good

We achieve results through teamwork and empowered teams. We make everyone feel like they belong here. We want our people to be happy here. We place confidence and trust in our people. We give everyone a chance to participate in idea generation. Diversity is our strength.


We are passionate. We do things right. We are focused on customers. We aim high. We elevate and champion talent. We celebrate achievement and show appreciation.


We add skills, skills, and more skills. We embrace challenges as opportunities. We are curious. We are data driven. We invite change and new ideas. We push ourselves out of our comfort zone.


our mission

Our mission is to lead with innovation, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence across our diverse portfolio of companies.

our industries


check out our latest Annual Report

Kontrolakciju sabiedrība, kurai ir McDonald’s attīstības licence Igaunijā, Grieķijā, Latvijā, Lietuvā, Maltā un Rumānijā, kas pārvalda 190+ restorānus.
Daudzveidīgs holdinga uzņēmums ar spēcīgu uzņēmējdarbības mantojumu. Uzņēmums darbojas ar meitasuzņēmumu starpniecību un aptver ēdināšanas pakalpojumu un mazumtirdzniecības, nekustamā īpašuma un viesmīlības, kuģniecības un loģistikas, naftas un gāzes, inženierzinātņu un tehnoloģiju jomas 10 valstīs Eiropā un Ziemeļāfrikā.
Aktīvs ieguldījumu uzņēmums, kas pašlaik nodarbojas ar tehnoloģiju un mazumtirdzniecības pakalpojumiem, kuri saistīti ar dažiem no pasaulē pieprasītākajiem tehnoloģiju produktiem.
Īpaša viesnīcu ieguldījumu sabiedrība, kas koncentrējas uz to viesnīcu un rekolekciju identificēšanu un attīstīšanu, kuras ir paredzētas orientiera statusam – ar īpašu interesi par Vidusjūru.
Piesaista līdzekļus, lai atbalstītu un finansētu Hili Ventures Ltd meitasuzņēmumus, galvenokārt emitējot korporatīvās obligācijas Maltas fondu biržā.
Specializēta uzņēmumu grupa ar vairāk nekā 100 gadu jūrniecības pieredzi, kas darbojas inženierzinātņu, kuģniecības un loģistikas, kā arī naftas un gāzes nozarēs.
Pieder un pārvalda komerciālo nekustamo īpašumu Maltā, Latvija, Lietuvā, Igaunijā un Rumānijā ar 229 miljonu eiro portfeli.

A word from our chairman

As we grow and diversify, each pillar of the business requires its own focus, dedication and strategic thinking. We continue to evolve into a more agile, decentralised operation, with a strong focus on talent management, managing our material impacts in terms of ESG and delivering excellence above all else.

At Hili Ventures, the value we bring lies in our rich legacy and culture, coupled with strategic direction and expertise, all aligned with our core values and strong principles of corporate governance.

view all the team